Illustration Friday: Rain
come again another day
little Blue wants to play

"ID" © Irvine
random sketch, May, 2005
Yeah, it's raining letters!
I drew this after attending my summer pre-nursery class.
Don't know much letters yet then
but oh now I can even read a little already!
soon I'd be really typing my own entries here!
or... is it just me writing in Greek?
Ευτυχή γενέθλια εκπαιδευτής τραίνων
5 Lovely People:
so cute! great job!
Wow,'re really getting good at letters and figures! I see real artistic growth:>
That's really good work =)
Sooo nice drawing, and I like the idea of letters raining, instead of the booring water :D
Great pics and writing - you are improving! Hello from Norway where we have Celebrated The Summer Solstice this weekend. The sun is up almost 24/7 :-)
to claudine - thanks! and new huggie commin up! heee...
to carla and angelika jane - wowie.. thanks for the lovely comments! and wait til mommy post pics of how i write now! ^_^
to rennyba - thanks! and ohhh Mr. Sun's up that long? hope Mr. Moon won't get jelly.. well tme to rest for him too! hihi ^_^
huggs to all!!
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