Illustration Friday: angels and devils
And no kids are allowed be bad!
or else!

"No Kids Allowed" © Irvine
random sketch, May 10, 2006
so.. what's the story behind this drawing?
My uncle Joe is sick, and he's staying in his room I named
"room no. 2". There is only one person in this room, and no
kids are allowed to go there. Everybody else is allowed to
go to room no.3, where I sleep with my Grampa and Grama.
Room no.1 is for Mommy and me. But she works at night, so
I sleep with my Grampies.. heee
Now, will you hug me before I sleep? ^_^
8 Lovely People:
ahhhh!! I kept on getting "wrong file type or extension" at submitting this posty at Illustration Friday! although I made a 50x50 jpeg image... (according to their rules)
So, I just submitted without the thumbnail pic at their classic page, made a mistake at first, coz the link can't copy paste, I had to manually type it.
oh well...need to hug Irvine now...
ooh... it's okay, Mommy.. you need to make your illo now too! thanks for posting this! *winks
hihi ^_^ hugs back...
LOL!! Wicked!
woahaha... ^_^ hugs!
I agree all kids are angels!! Good idea!
hehe.. even if we cry?
hihi ^_^ hugs!
I think this is my favorite so far of yours. Yes all kids, maybe not me when I was a kid, but, just about every other kid is an angel most of the time that is.
hehe.. we are all angels at some point! ^_^ and thanks! My uncle liked this drawing too.. so much that he wouldn't mind if I sticked it on his door! hihi..
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