Peek - a - boo - Blue!
I can see you!After spending hours trying to hide from my Mom
(well, it seems hours for me, time flies faster for grown ups!)
spotted me hiding behind the door!
Nooo! NO! NOOOO!
I don't wanna eat that veggie stew!

"Hiding" © Irvine, April 20, 2005
19 Lovely People:
Bah! Mom always seems to find us. Great post my friend.
teehee.. yeah! nothing else to do but ruunn...
Ah, but here's a blue clue. Ask your mom to put dumplings on top of that veggie stew, and color them BLUE. Or make one PINK and one Yellow! That should be fun. Dumplings are fluffy like clouds, and they make those veggies taste so good. Oh gee, I am making myself so hungry. Great job on your illustration. Keep 'em coming!
cool idea! for sure mom will read this and do that! hmm.. blue stew.. njam!
wohaha! I'd tell you to my mommy *jump*skip*jump
hihi ^_^ huggss
Yay, Irvine!! What a honey!
hee I am a good boy! ^_^ when not sleepy! hihi...
Hei Irvine...
I accepted your bid on "Rent My Blog"...
And you have a wonderful blog.
woohoo! thanks! ^_^ {{huuggss}}
added you to my huggies links too!
smart take of the topic...I agree w' unknown about moms!and thanx for your comment.
yeah! I think they have a mental radar kid detector somewhere! hihi ^_^ love you mom!
Oh no! Not veggie soup! J/K Irvine, hope you got lots of chocolates from Easter bunny!
ohh.. chocolates give me tooth ache! cookies are much much njam!! hihi ^_^ hugs yvette
Try hiding under a table next time ;) :P
Really nice picture :) I love black and white together :D
How did you do this?
i see you... this is a good idea for the theme and i always enjoy your art!!!
to angel-jane - hee! I also hide under the table! But I think my mommy has eyes on her feet! she sees me! hihi ^_^
to andrea - I can open the computer all by myself, I know what to click to open msPaint, then my Mommy removes the keyboard to give way for the mouse. She then leaves me on her high chair with mmm soft pillows.. Then walah! a surprise for my Mom when she comes back!
to valgalart - thank you! huggss to you and all those who left their lovely comments! keep 'em coming! hee ^_^
I came from Al's and I love your blog - keep up the good art work! If you like a hint of how you could have fun with the Easter Egg next year, take a look at my blog :-)
oh cool! All the adults that I ask why the bunny have eggs could not answer me! ha! thanks for dropping by ^_^
a new huggie comin' up! hihi {{huggss}}
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