Illustration Friday: Holiday

"Mommy and Baby" © Irvine
random sketches on notebook, December, 2005
This was a lovely surprise from Irvine. Strange how this came out of his random doodles. I dunno if he thinks about something first before drawing it, or the name just comes after looking at the result.
I don't know if anybody would believe me that My Irvine, only 4 years old, drew this!
The moment I saw this, I was surprised at how familiar it looked, and how the image was so fitted abstractly quaint. So I searched for different paintings of Madonna and Child. And it didn't take long to find the version of Duccio di Buoninsegna (circa 1300) painted in tempera and gold on wood panel. Which bears similar features. Or maybe it was just in my head..

Happy Holidays!
note: Irvine is still feverish, and having dry coughs. So we decided to spend Christmas Eve at home.