Imagine Picasso...

"Baby playing a guitar" © Irvine
random sketches on notebook, December, 2005
Irvine said he made the drawing for someone he loves *.*
note: btw, Irvine has a fever right now. Been 3 days already.. I hope the doctors won't recommend confinement in the hospital. Not during Christmas..

13 Lovely People:
oooooh *.* and what a great gift! i love it!
funny hair the eye looking up (thats me!) all in great lines and the mysterious numbers and letters..
cant get enough of looking at it!
your talented hope you want to make more for me! and i play a song for you ! ahum well i do need some practice
hee and dont worry about your fever im sure you will be ok in a few days, tell your mom that ok?
a big kissss
Once again, nice work!
If Picaso saw this he would say !magnifique'!
Get better and Merry Christmas!
to Sweetie *.* thanks thanks! i really hope Blue will get better soon! Now he said he wants to play with his hamster.
to Scott: thanks! and I will mention you to Blue indeed!
Hey Irvine, I hope you get better soon.
By the way, did you get my message about not being able to see your illustrations? The photos are fine. Could you get mummy to check? Could be the format of your illustration.
Very nice work irvine, hope you recover soon. Merry Christmas !!!
Very nice Irvine. Hope you feel better soon.
to zordis and tony: thanks guys! I'll hug Irvine for you...
to christine: I'm putting up a flickr account for Irvine soon. Can you please also check if you have accidentally blocked images from ImageCave? happens sometimes. and thanks for the reminder and Hug!
Irvine kisses you all!
Great potential here. Keep drawing Irvine! Thanks for visiting :)
Wonderful picture! And I hope he's feeling better soon!
this is great! I hope you are feeling better!!! Merry Christmas
to gerald: thanks for visiting back, Irvine shall link you too!
to aravis and valgalart: Thank you for yout kind thoughts! I would surely mention yout o Irvine too.
His fever is bit down now, but he's having dry coughs.. hope he gets better soon or he might not enjoy Christmas that much.. tsk!
I'm so sorry to hear that you have a fever, Irvin. The last time I had a fever was on my birthday in 2001 - but it was nice to have friends make me soup and sit with me while I watched them talk. I hope it passes soon. I'm sure you'll be up and running about before I can say "Happy Holidays!"
Great picture! Most of my best drawings have been on ruled binder paper too.
take care, little irvine!
yeehaw!! I feel better now! And more paintings soon.. first, go to that weekend trip at the theme park! see yah all on Monday!
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