Mommy said to me, "If you become a soldier, you'll be a general; if you become a monk, you'll end up as the Pope. If you become a painter you'll end up as Picasso."
i started painting when i was 3 years old. then i learned to mess around my mom's computer.
then she taught me how to use ms paint. and since she knows that i love to paint and draw and create images with anything that produce colors, she created this weblog. we also joined Illustration Friday. since then I met lots of friends and great artists. so, thanks to mom who thought of giving me a voice through her
and shares my art with you all.
17 Lovely People:
I love this one!! Purple and green work so well together, don't they?? BTW- I LOVE this website. It is WONDERFUL!!!!!
wow... so innovative & very imaginative!
Lol but then some people eat Balut! eeew 8x
nice drawing again (hope you forgive me for seeying a spider in it too!)
I like dancing rats, especially this one ;)
to gabriella - and i love your name too! purple is my mom's second fave color.. hihi BLUE is her first! ^_^
to hellcat anonymous - i have heard so much about you. i knew my dancing big rat will charm your way here! hihi
to the other anonymous - i think the spider is dancing with the rat! haa!!
and thanks to mer, and giles! new huggies too...
great painting!
I don't think sweet pinky would eat a bug-although your purple and black-rat entree might tempt her.
that's green and purple rat entree-I don't know these might be even more tempting-yummie
you play well with colors.
by the way, to answer your question about my cat grandma, they are just having a nice time with the costumes, never the villain.
have a nice day.
to hardwax - hehe.. a dancing rat is always tempting.. as long as its big!! hihi ^_^
to isay - nice to hear they are not villains! pfew!
and thanks to alina.. huggsss!!!
Ew indeed! Though I must say that's the nicest looking rat I've ever seen! :0)
great job!
Four stars for you ****
thank you and lotsa huggsss to aravis, artsy momma chick and anonymous!!
ciao irvine, thank yuo for stopping by ...I like your blog, so immaginative!
ohh just read this now.. hihi^_^ thanks!
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